Frequently Asked Question

How do I register for an event?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Registering for an event on the JVC is a little different process than our older Cvent process, but is fairly easy once you have done it once.

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Click on “Events” > The Conference your are Registering for > “Register”
  4. Click on "Order Here"
  5. Click the PAY Button under “Full Package” or “Online Ticket” on the tab of “Order Here”
  6. Click on PAY under "Activity Rules"
  7. Choose “Single Offline Payment” and Accept the Payment Policy
  8. Confirm the Order
  9. Click on "I have finished the payment"
  10. Input your order number from your JCI Store order
  11. Upload a copy of your JCI Store receipt that you will get once you have paid for your order on the JCI store
  12. Click 'SUBMIT'

Once you have followed these steps, a staff member will verify your information and marked your order as paid on the JVC.

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